This authoritative Condie’s formal elegance commands respect, but it is not completely without a sense of humour. Independant enough to stand alone and strong enough to bind a flock together. Place on a white wall for a touch of class, or in a flock to highlight the other colours.
The blue Condie soars above the ocean in a clear sky, worry free and ready to greet the future with a smile. A great addition to any flock with its calming influence and confident approach. This Condie thrives equally well on vibrant colours or lighter colours. Pair with green and black on vibrant backgrounds or with yellow and orange in lighter spaces.
Bring a little luscious countryside green into your Condie flock. Revitalise your space with this fresh and energetic Condie. This colour plays really well with yellow and purple, or you could go with a flock of monochrome green Condies against a dark wall.
Cool, balanced and accommodating, the grey Condie nestles happily into any flock. Don’t mistake this Condie’s quiet sophistication for a lack of character - while it might have a more formal or conservative manner, it can provide a strong backbone for any flock. Stunning when paired with yellow, orange and white.
This joyful Condie is the most creative in the flock. Its strong, warm character encourages every Condie in the flock toward greatness. Its infectious happiness and enthusiasm for life stands out in any flock and makes for dynamic combinations. Match with black, white, grey or purple for maximum effect.
Majestic and noble, this Condie is often crowned the leader of the flock, and has the wisdom, dignity and creativity to rule with authority. You will often see this magical bird soaring among the clouds as the sun sets and the sky turns from blue to the colour of this Condie. This Condie’s devotion to the flock means it matches well with any of the Condie colours.
The white Condie serves as the flock’s spiritual guide and moral compass. Always understanding and willing to see the good in others, this Condie illuminates the way in matters of the heart and soul. The presence of the white Condie gives balance to any flock, and its purity enhances any coloured wall.
The yellow Condie is the playful one in the flock, and its boundless optimism is adored by all. This Condies lust for life makes it stand out in any crowd, and is fiercely loyal and open minded - so go crazy and pop it into a flock with any other colours. The yellow Condie really makes a grey wall come alive!